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[FALL 2017] YOUTH PROBLEM - 2nd Mini Project

[SICA Fall 2017] YOUTH PROBLEM - 2nd Mini Project

Last semester, SICA made 4 teams to start planning a business model or a campaign as the 2nd Mini- Project. Our theme for 2nd Mini–Project was Youth Problem. Each team struggled to make creative solutions to deal with what they thought as a problem.

The winner of the 2nd Mini-Project were Campaign Team #1 Youth, Do Capsule and Business Team #2 Raincoat Consultant Service, and those two teams got the chance to realize their models with Umbrella Program in SICA. Starting from the winners, we would like to introduce the ideas came out for social innovation and how the experience influenced to each team members.


Campaign Team #1 Youth, Do Capsule – Seong Min Choi, Seohyun Yi

1. Please describe your team briefly.

Our team name is Youth Capsule, meaning that it is intended to serve as a capsule of practical knowledge for young adults. Our team consisted of SeoHyun and me, both of us taking equal weight of work and responsibility.

2. Which problems did you tackle?

The problem we aimed to solve was lack of information in daily life that people face, which can lead to financial loss in any affairs. Our goal was to provide a channel for gaining and sharing financial knowledge and expertise in such deeds.

3. What were your solutions for the problems, in detail? Tell me about your project!

In a form of Campaign Movement, the most important factor for our solution to succeed was to advertise our platform. We activated social network online and carried out campaigns (distributing capsules with card news in it + speed quiz) offline.

4. How was the experience of your own project?

Seong Min Choi: SICA has comfortable atmosphere and is filled with great members, each with their own talents. I was able to learn many things from them, especially how to communicate with team members in order to reach consensus and how to promote imagines and thoughts into concrete plans and structures. Inside little competition in SICA, I was provided with great motivation and passion to achievement and at last I was able to capture first place for the second half session contest. I got to know what is social innovation and thanks to SICA, now I’m potential social innovator willing to change the society.


Business Model Team #2 - JooMin Lee, Sung Hyun Sohn, Doyeon Ku

1. Please describe your team briefly.

Our team’s project is ‘Raincoat Consultant Service’, and we are consisting of JooMin Lee, Sung Hyun Sohn, and Doyeon Ku.

2. Which problems did you tackle?

We tackled the youth financial management problem. A big problem that a lot of the young generations are facing is increasing financial debt. There are many reasons for such an increase but we identified that one reason is, there are an abundance of services that provide money but there are not many that teaches to manage it. Therefore, we decided to design a service that would help teach youth on how to manage their money.

3. What were your solutions for the problems, in detail? Tell me about your project!

To solve the youth financial management problem, we came up of a youth financial consulting service, the Raincoat Consultant Service. The Raincoat Consultant Service is an education and consulting service that targets university students with approachable information for students who are interested in finance management. Through our service we aim to provide more financial information to more youth, for the spread of a better consumer culture and for a more sustainable and healthy future. The main pillars that construct our service is providing information and helping to change consumption habits. For this purpose, we plan to hold education workshop sessions, online lectures and personal consulting services.

4. How was the experience of your own project?

Doyeon Ku: The experience of making a business model needed a lot of things to consider - from making what we will serve to how we can get money from people. As a person in the same youth generation, it was meaningful to create the real solution to deal with what I am facing as a problem.


Business Model Team #1 - Oh Hyo Jin ,Pyon Yeoseo, You Woo Jin

1. Please describe your team briefly.

Our team name is UniRoom, and our team consists three members: Oh Hyo Jin ,Pyon Yeoseo, You Woo Jin.

2. What problems did you tackle?

We tackled the problem of youth with housing. Currently in Korea many students face the problem of high living costs (dormitory, rented house, etc) While university fees burden many already, we wanted to ease the students by reducing their financial burdens, in which living costs rank 2nd in costs after unviersity fees. In the market real estate applications already existed. But we identified a gap in the market where there was no real estate application that specifically targeted university students. By identifying the gap we planned to differentiate our model and produce a realistic idea where we could appeal to students whom needed cheap housing in order to secure the market.

3. What were your solutions for the problems, in detail? Tell me about your project!

Existing real estate applications already included most ideas that we came up with and it was hard to differentiate with them. Furthermore, since we lacked experience in building a business model it was difficult to illustrate our idea to the public. Lastly, finding fund sources was very difficult. Especially, since we had no previous accomplishments in business models it was even harder to attract viable investors

4. How was the experience of your own project?

HyoJin Oh: Youth housing problem is indeed significant issue in Korea since youth suffer from both finance problem and information problem. It was a great experience to develop a business model regarding diverse perspectives; our customers, intermediaries, competitors, and business workers.

Yeseo Pyon: As I have always lived with my family or in a dorm, I was not aware of how serious youth housing problem in South Korea is. I was able to learn more about the issue by conducting a survey and developing a business model. It was a great opportunity to get mentoring from CEO Ahn as well.


Campaign Team #2 - Margeunsaem Lee, Yeongsun Om, and WoongChan Seo

1. Please describe your team briefly.

Hello, we are Campaign Team 2. We are a team of three: Margeunsaem Lee, Yeongsun Om, and WoongChan Seo. Our team first identified various problems which, youth and the young adult generation people face today. Amongst various and wide selection, we came to narrow down to one specific problem: the constant working fever.

2. Which problems did you tackle?

Many of the Yonsei students, as well as other young adults and (even the old adults, in fact) lead extremely packed, unbearably busy lives. The motive for having a packed schedule may be that one wants to achieve many different accomplishments in various fields in a short period of time. However, surprisingly, many of the contemporary society people constantly seek for packed schedule and unbearable activities for the sake of the burden of the intense competition. We feel the urge to pursue our path not derived from our own passion, but rather the existence of seemingly busy surroundings. decided to convey the significance of resting, with the title of “휴: the beauty of space”.

3. What were your solutions for the problems, in detail? Tell me about your project!

In order to tackle the problem and spread our message, we decided to try out the campaign on our own. If we could not sincerely and genuinely sympathize with the message, we questioned, “how could we successfully deliver and persuade others with our message?”

So here we went, starting from filming our own vlogs. We decided to leave a time spare only devoted to our habit. Afterwards, we surveyed the Yonsei freshmen students regarding their free time spending and their schedules. After having collected others’ opinions and our own reflection from the vlog, we were able to come up with our ultimate solution: the pic-a-pix. The pic-a-pix was full of variety of colored post-its that represent multiple activities that the university students pursue, such as: extracurricular activities, academia, studying, and internship. After having the pic-a-pix filled with them in chaos, we asked the students to detach one of the activities that they liked the most.

After having many students detached the post-its, the pic-a-pix showed paws of a cat- which represents “pause” for the rest. The detachment of the post-its portrayed leaving spaces- or having a rest from the tiring activities, and after leaving those activities behind, one is able to genuinely achieve the complete picture of one’s life. Even if the colorful and various activities may seem to fulfill one’s life, it is certainly okay to always have a rest to take a greater leap forward.

4. How was the experience of your own project?

Woong Chan Seo: It was great time for me to volunteer as an experiment and make an excuse to take rest. My team came up with great ideas to visualize the pressure and stress that we get in our daily lives and it was an excellent opportunity to tackle the problems.



© Social Innovation Creators' Academia


Yonsei University, 50 Yonsei-ro, Sinchon-dong, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

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